Porter Hansen

Interests: Photography, Backpacking, Adventure Sports, World Cuisine

Porter Hansen is an accomplished author, globe-trotter, and photographer with over two decades of world exploration under his belt. Having visited upwards of 80 nations, he boasts the unique ability to discover lesser-known attractions in every city he steps foot in. His love for travel was sparked during a post-college backpacking trip across Europe. Porter's stories offer intriguing perspectives, helpful advice, and engaging tales that motivate readers to venture on their own explorations.

Articles By This Author

Women Travel Blazers: The Perfect Combination of Comfort and Style
Women's Travel Essentials Efficient Travel Packing

Women Travel Blazers: The Perfect Combination of Comfort and Style

Explore the fusion of chic and comfort with our guide on womens travel blazers. Dive into styling tips, essential features, and expert advice on selecting the perfect blazer for any journey. Plus, learn how to care for your piece and answer all your travel fashion queries. Join the adventure in style!

Exploring Italy Like a Local: Insider Travel Tips You Won't Find in Guidebooks
Travel Destinations Unforgettable Travel Experiences

Exploring Italy Like a Local: Insider Travel Tips You Won't Find in Guidebooks

Embark on an immersive Italian journey with our insider tips. Go beyond conventional tourism to experience Italy's diversity, engage with locals, and uncover hidden gems. Learn essential phrases, discover unique dishes, and prepare for 'La Dolce Vita'!

The ABCs of Travel Insurance: A Comprehensive Guide For Newbies
Travel Safety and Insurance

The ABCs of Travel Insurance: A Comprehensive Guide For Newbies

Embark on your adventure with peace of mind with our comprehensive guide to travel insurance. Unravel the basics, understand different types, and learn how to choose the best policy for your journey. Avoid common pitfalls and prepare yourself with our practical tips, quizzes, and real-life stories. Be inspired to make informed decisions and safeguard your travels.